How To Add A Signature In Outlook

First impressions matter. In the modern digital age, your email signature is an important piece of the first impression you leave when sending an email. Furthermore, your email signature can be designed to convey a sense of professionalism, creativity, or style depending on how you want it to be portrayed.

How To Add A Signature In Outlook

If you want to know how to add a personalized signature to your Outlook email account, you’re in the right place. This article will tell you how to add a signature to your outgoing Outlook email to create a professional appearance to your messages.

Windows – How to Add a Signature in Outlook

Outlook is part of Microsoft’s extensive suite of tools and is one of the most widely used email services around the world. Whether for personal or business use, an email signature can add professionalism to your email correspondence and make it stand out.

Follow the below steps to add a signature in Outlook:

  1. Open your Outlook account on your computer or device.
    How To Add A Signature In Outlook
  2. Click on the “New Email” button in the top left corner of the screen.
    How To Add A Signature In Outlook
  3. Select the “Signature” icon on the horizontal toolbar at the top of the screen to open the drop-down menu.
    How To Add A Signature In Outlook
  4. Scroll down and select “Signatures” from the option list to open the “Signatures and Stationery” screen.
    How To Add A Signature In Outlook
  5. Click on the “New” button. This will prompt a pop-up box that allows you to name the signature.
    How To Add A Signature In Outlook
  6. Name your signature and click “OK.”
    How To Add A Signature In Outlook
  7. Write and format your signature to suit your personal preference. Additionally, you can add images and links to your signature as desired.
    How To Add A Signature In Outlook
  8. Once completed, click the “OK” button to save your new default signature.
    How To Add A Signature In Outlook

How to Add a Signature in Outlook on a Mac

As with all Microsoft products, Outlook is a versatile program that is compatible with any device so long as you have an internet connection. Hence, Outlook can be used on MacOS and that means that you can also create and add a personalized email signature on your Mac computer.

Here are the steps to set up your very own Outlook signature on a Mac:

  1. Open your Outlook account on your Mac computer.
    How To Add A Signature In Outlook
  2. Navigate to and select the “Outlook” tab from the toolbar on the top left of the screen to open the drop-down menu.
    How To Add A Signature In Outlook
  3. Click on “Settings” from the options list.
    How To Add A Signature In Outlook
  4. Once in the Outlook preferences menu, locate and select “Signatures.”
    How To Add A Signature In Outlook
  5. On the screen that appears, click on the “+” button to make a new signature. This will prompt a pop-up box that allows you to name the signature.
    How To Add A Signature In Outlook
  6. Name your new signature and click “OK.”
    How To Add A Signature In Outlook
  7. Write and format your signature to suit your personal preference. Additionally, you can add images and links to your signature as desired.
    How To Add A Signature In Outlook
  8. Once completed, click on the “Save” button to finalize.
    How To Add A Signature In Outlook

How to Add a Signature in Outlook on an iPhone

Microsoft Outlook can also be used on mobile devices including the iPhone. Therefore, just because you’re sending an email on the go doesn’t mean you can’t sign off your emails in style.

Here are the easy-to-follow steps to make that happen:

  1. Open the Outlook app on your iPhone.
    How To Add A Signature In Outlook
  2. Click on your “Profile” icon at the top left of the screen to open the profile menu options.
    How To Add A Signature In Outlook
  3. Select the “Settings” icon located at the bottom left of the menu.
    How To Add A Signature In Outlook
  4. Scroll down in the Settings menu and select “Signature” to go to the “Make a New Signature” screen.
    How To Add A Signature In Outlook
  5. Write and format your signature to suit your personal preference.
    How To Add A Signature In Outlook
  6. Once completed, simply hit the “Back” button to finalize your new signature.
    How To Add A Signature In Outlook

How to Add a Signature in Outlook on Android

The world is becoming increasingly mobile. Whether for business or personal emails, the importance of having a customized email signature available on your mobile device is becoming evident to many.

Here is how you do it:

  1. Open the Outlook app on your Android device.
    How To Add A Signature In Outlook
  2. Select the “Menu” icon located at the top left of your screen.
    How To Add A Signature In Outlook
  3. Click on the “Settings” icon located at the bottom left of the menu.
    How To Add A Signature In Outlook
  4. Once in the settings menu, select “Signature.”
    How To Add A Signature In Outlook
  5. Write and format your signature to suit your personal preference.
    How To Add A Signature In Outlook
  6. Once completed, click on the “Check” icon on the top right of the screen to finalize.
    How To Add A Signature In Outlook

How to Use Signature Templates in Outlook

Although Microsoft has made the process of creating an email signature simple and easy to use, they also offer a range of pre-designed templates that you can utilize or use as a foundation to build a visually stunning signature.

Here are the steps to create a signature from a template:

  1. Go to the Microsoft Email Signature Gallery and download the Microsoft Outlook email signature template gallery.
    How To Add A Signature In Outlook
  2. Once you have downloaded the template gallery, open the program in “Word.”
    How To Add A Signature In Outlook
  3. Browse the template gallery and select the signature that best suits your needs. Highlight all the elements in your chosen signature, right-click, and select “Copy.”
    How To Add A Signature In Outlook
  4. Go to “Outlook” on your device.
    How To Add A Signature In Outlook
  5. Locate and select the “New Email” tab.
    How To Add A Signature In Outlook
  6. Paste the copied email template into the new email.
    How To Add A Signature In Outlook
  7. Edit and personalize the email template by adding your personal information and altering the elements as you desire.
  8. Once satisfied, highlight the edited signature, right-click, and select “Copy.”
    How To Add A Signature In Outlook
  9. Click on “Signature” on the horizontal menu bar that runs across the top of the screen to open the drop-down menu.
    How To Add A Signature In Outlook
  10. Select “Signatures” from the drop-down menu options to proceed to the next screen.
    How To Add A Signature In Outlook
  11. On the screen that appears, click the “New” button.
    How To Add A Signature In Outlook
  12. Enter the name of your new signature in the designated name box.
    How To Add A Signature In Outlook
  13. Right-click and hit “Paste” in the designated new signature box.
    How To Add A Signature In Outlook
  14. Once the signature is displayed in the box and you’re satisfied, select “Save.”
    How To Add A Signature In Outlook
  15. Using the drop-down menu, select “Default Signature” and then click the “Save” button to finalize.
    How To Add A Signature In Outlook

What Should Be Included in an Email Signature

There is no shortage of options when it comes to online communication in the modern world. However, despite this email remains an immensely popular and effective tool for communicating, especially in business. Thus, having an email signature that portrays you in the light in which you wish to be viewed is extremely important.

Of course, the content and style of your signature will depend on what purpose for which you primarily use your emails. That being said, there are a few elements that are integral to making your signature as effective as possible:

  • Contact Information: Regardless of your goal, a good email signature should contain your contact information. For instance, phone number, work address, etc. This allows people to contact you through other means but also gives it a more professional look.
  • Visuals: Imbuing your signature with color, logos, etc is a great way to make your email memorable and stand out among the rest.
  • Personality: Communicating online can dehumanizing at times but designing a signature that shows your personality can reverse this to an extent. Thus, it allows you to forge better relationships.
  • Links: Having a link to your website, portfolio, etc. can be an extremely effective method for building your business reputation and brand.

Sign Off With Style

Although it may appear somewhat trivial, an email signature is a powerful statement. It functions as a sort of digital business card that establishes you as an individual and not some random auto-generated email.

Have you ever created a signature in Outlook? Did you find it an effective addition to your emails? Let us know in the comment section.

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